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Home \ Historical sights in Uzbekistan \ Chor-Bakr Nekropolis

Chor-Bakr Nekropolis


         In the suburbs of Bukhara in the village of Sumitan is located the necropolis of Chor Bakr. In the necropolis of Chor Bakr there are burials of sheikhs from the clan of the DjuibarSayids, who were considered the main  representatives of the religious ideas of Islam.
       The base of the necropolis was the burial of Abu Bakr Saad, and after him and other members of this family, hence the name of the necropolis - Chor Bakr, which translates to "Four Brothers." Abu Bakr Saad the son of Sheikh Muhammad Islam, the descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), was appointed to the post of Sheikh-ul-Islam (a supervisor controlling the execution of punishments under the Sharia law) in Bukhara.
        For almost 20 years, the Juybar Sheikh from the order of "Naqshbandiya" - Khoja Abu Bakr Saad was the tutor of Abudullahan II. After the Khoja's death, Abdullahan II immortalized the name of his teacher, erected around his grave, a complex that included a mosque, a hanaka, a madrasah, a necropolis and a large garden near Bukhara, where there are trees, willows, poplars and various fruit trees.
     The architectural ensemble Chor-Bakr is also known as the "city of the dead". It has streets, courtyards, gates, but instead of houses there are family dahmas and tombstones everywhere. On both sides of the streets of the necropolis you can see the entrance portals of funerary mosques and aivans.
The facade walls of fences, portals are decorated with figured masonry and mosaics, inherent in that time. The entrance from the southeast is marked by the portal-dome-darvazakhana: from here opens a view of the ensemble. The halls of the mosque and the khanaka are covered with domes on slender drums. Their interiors are decorated with intersecting arches, a web of mesh sails and stalactites.
In the XX century a small minaret was added to the main complex, resembling Bukhara Kalyan.

Useful links:
Other sights of Bukhara
Tours round Bukhara

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