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Juma Mosque

Juma Mosque Juma Mosque Juma Mosque Juma Mosque

      Often in the medieval Muslim world, the significance of the city was determined by the presence in it of the main mosque, that is, the Juma mosque (the Friday mosque). The architectural and artistic perfection of the appearance of this or that building has always been paramount for the governors who tried to outdo others by the monumentality of buildings, including the Friday mosque.
The Juma mosque is unique in its structure - it does not have portals, domes, galleries and courtyards. The mosque has access from three sides. The massive old carved doors with bronze inserts in front of the entrance immediately attract the attention of visitors. With a more detailed study of the inner room, it can be found that it has the shape of an irregular rectangle, rather trapezoid or cut off from one side. Throughout the area of ​​the mosque there are carved columns, due to which the Juma mosque was called "Cordoba from Central Asia".
In the big hall there are a lot of wooden columns. 213 in total. Perhaps the oldest of these columns were taken from the city of Kyat (the capital of ancient Khorezm from III to X century). Four columns with inscriptions in the handwriting of the nashe are the same type of columns of Bagbanly mosque (south-eastern part of Ichan-Kala).
The date of construction of the Juma mosque dates back to the end of the 18th century. And according to the data of the Arab geographer Mukaddasiy, the Juma mosque dates back to the 10th century.

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