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Home \ Historical sights in Uzbekistan \ Mir - Arab Madarsah

Mir - Arab Madarsah

Mir - Arab Madarsah

       The functioning Mir-Arab Madrasah in Bukhara is one of the most revered spiritual Islamic educational institutions located opposite the Kalyan Mosque.
       According to one version, the madrassah was built under the Sheibanid dynasty by Sheikh Sayyid Abdullah al-Yamani Khazaramavti, with funds from trophies won by Sheibanikhan's nephew Ubaidullah Khan. Khan gave them to his mentor, the head of Muslims of Bukhara Miri Arab ("the prince of the Arabs").
     So far, no exact date has been set for the construction of the madrasah. Based on the assumptions of well-known archeologists and orientalists ME Masson and GA Pugachenkova, the construction of the building was carried out in the period from 1530 to 1535 - 1536 years. And judging by the latest data, the madrasah was erected almost two decades earlier than this time.
Shaykh Abdullah Yamani, who died in 1526, before his death bequeathed to bury himself in the territory of the madrasah built by him. Its modern name "Mir-Arab" madrasah received after the death of its founder.
     The design of the madrasah is in a traditional style. Four-yard yard is surrounded by two floors of hujra. There are classes in the three corners of the madrasah building. In the fourth corner there is a necropolis where Ubaidullah Khan and his tutor Miri Arab are buried. The main facade in the center is allocated with a portal, to which adjoin two-story loggias. In the external decor of the madrasah carved mosaic with a predominance of floral ornament.

Madrasah Mir-Arab - one of the best monuments of the architectural school of Bukhara XVI century. The architecture and decor of the World - Arab are marked by the highest culture and taste.
     During the existence of the madrasah, well-known religious and state figures, and theologians were trained there. Madrasah Mir-Arab was one of the most prestigious educational institutions of Central Asia. It was taught by the well-knowneducator, philosopher, writer and poet, statesman of Bukhara Emirate Ahmad Donish Bukhari.

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