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Home \ Restaurants \ Tashkent restaurants \ Restaurant "Chinara's"

Restaurant "Chinara's"

Restaurant Chinara's in Tashkent Restaurant Chinara's in Tashkent Restaurant Chinara's in Tashkent Restaurant Chinara's in Tashkent

   Restaurant "Chinara's" is included in a number of restaurants of the network "Caravan Group". The restaurant is in a well-known place, popularly known as "Chinars".More than 2000 years ago it was in this place that the guests received tea-leaves.

   The inhabitants of the ancient Mousterian era left here magnificent petroglyphs - rock paintings, the first manifestations of human talent. A unique opportunity to touch them with a glance, palm, feel how art was born. The modern atmosphere of the restaurant "Chinara's" harmoniously combines with ancient history.

   Amazing natural conditions, excellent cuisine and restaurant service are a popular place for tourists and holidaymakers. But the true gem of the ensemble is a garden created by the famous landscape designer from Japan Kozo Iwatani. The merit of the master is that he preserved all the rich vegetation of the area - century-old plane trees, various bushes, etc. - adding only some details, giving all this wild untouched nature more elegance and grace.



Address: Tashkent region, Bostanlyk district
Hot line:(+998 71) 129-90-09
Cuisine: uzbek national and European food 


Useful links:
Uzbek cuisine
Historical sights of Tashkent

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