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Home \ Outdoor Adventure \ Camel riding and yurt camping tour in Kyzylkum desert in Uzbekistan

Camel riding and yurt camping tour in Kyzylkum desert in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan Kyzylkum desert Camel riding
Uzbekistan camel riding in Kyzylkum desert Uzbekistan tour to Kyzylkum desert ancient citadel of Alexander the Great Uzbekistan tour to Kyzylkum desert yurt camp Uzbekistan tour to Kyzylkum desert Aydarkul lake


Значки4 4545(4) Значки 1(2)   Itinerary: Tashkent – Bukhara – Nurota - canyon Sarmysh - yurt camp - lake Aydarkul – Nurotau mountain range - Tashkent

Region: Kyzylkum desert , mountain range Nurotau , Uzbekistan
Type of travel: land transportation
Duration: 5 days/4 nights
Season: April-June, August-October

Значки9874 (4)   Tour program:

Day 1: Tashkent - Bukhara
Departure to Bukhara at 22:15 by night train.

Day 2: Bukhara
Arrival to Bukhara at 06:16 am. Transfer to Bukhara old city. Breakfast on the way to the old city. Living of luagage and meeting with guide at the hotel. Guided tour around Bukhara old city. A visit to the mausoleum of Ismail Samani (IX-X c.), which is the tomb of the dynasty rulers of Bukhara. A visit to Ark fortress, mausoleum Chashma Ayub (XIV c.), museum of Imam Al-Bukhari, mosque Bolo-Hauz, architectural ensemble Poi Kalon, madrasah Miri-Arab,  dome of jewelers Toki Zargaron,  mosque Magoki-Attori, madrasah Khanaka and Nodir Divan-Begi, madrasah Kukeldash, madrasah Ulugbek, madrasah Abdulazizkhan, madrasah Abdullakhana, the bazaar, complex Labi Hauz and mosque Chor Minor. Afterwards dinner. Overnight in the ancient fairytale city Bukhara.

Day 3: Bukhara - Nurota - canyon Sarmysh - Yangigazgan - yurt camp
Breakfast in the hotel. Departure to Nurota town (190 km). Excursion in Nurota. A visit to the ruins of the citadel of Alexander the Great, mosque “Namazgokh” (X c), holy spring “Chashma” with lots of fish. Lunch in Nuratau. Departure to Yangigazgan through the canyon Sarmysh (60 km). In the Sarmysh canyon there will be a stop to view petroglyphs from the Bronze Age. From Yangigazgan village transfer to the yurt camp (6 km). Accommodation in the yurt camp. Dinner around the campfire under the open sky with a billions of stars in the desert with songs of a Kazakh akyn. Overnight in the desert in the yurt camp.

Day 4: Yurt camp - lake Aydarkul - Nurotau mountains
Breakfast in the yurt camp. Camel riding to Aydrakul lake (8 km). Swimming in the lake. Picnic. Transfer to the village Khayat (120 km) located in the foothills of the Nurotau mountain range.  Viewing of the ruins of ancient settlements and petroglyphs from the times of presence of Arabs in the region. Dinner. Overnight in a guesthouse in Khayat village. 

Day 5: Khayat - Tashkent
Breakfast at the guesthouse. Departure to Tashkent (300 km).

Значки 46(2)   Price per tourist:
Price depends from the quantity of tourists in a group and submits upon request.


  • train ticket for the night train to Bukhara (compartment);
  • transportation during the tour;
  • twin hotel accommodation with breakfast in Bukhara;
  • accommodation in the yurt with breakfast in the Kyzylkum desert;
  • accommodation in the guesthouse with breakfast in the foothills of the Nurotau mountain range;
  • English speaking tour guide in Bukhara;
  • English speaking guide in the Kyzylkum desert;
  • entrance tickets to historical monuments in Bukhara;
  • registration and touristic tax.
  • lunches and dinners in Bukhara and on the way to Kyzylkum desert.

Значки 1 (5)   Recommended outfit:
1. trekking boots;
2. trekking trousers;
3. windcheater.
4. thermo-underwear (spring/autumn season); 
5. slippers;
6. headlamp;
7. personal first aid-kit;
8. toilet set;

Значки 45(2)   Recommended UV protection:
1. cap;
2. sun block cream;
3. sun glasses;
4. neckerchief.                                                                        

Useful links:
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